I feel pretty accomplished this week. We are in our third week of classes and I'm doing well so far in my Marketing class. My second quiz grade was 23/25, which was much better than the first. The quizzes are not easy and I was anxious about them. I believe we have a perfect score on our group paper. I have to take my Management exam tonight. A little anxious about that, but I believe I know the material well enough to score pretty good... although some students have mentioned that the exam may have problems with grading. :-/
I did pretty well in my training last week. I missed a CX workout and walked instead of ran for one workout, but as much as I'd like to stick to my plan, I know sometimes that is just not possible and I have to adjust.
That being said, this is my plan for training this week:
Monday- Walk 2 mi
Tuesday- CX Works, 3 mi tempo
Wed- 4 mi
Thurs- Spinning, CXWorks
Friday- OFF
Saturday- CX Works
Sunday- 5 mi, perhaps racquetball??
Yes, racquetball... Or tennis, or some type of other cross training. Something to get my arms moving and my husband and kiddo involved.
Way to go Mitzi! You are a rock star!